Feb 12


The Daring Mermaid Expedition — A scientifically inaccurate romp, plus pirates!

Posted by: Dan Fabulich | Comments (0)

The Daring Mermaid Expedition

We’re proud to announce that The Daring Mermaid Expedition, the latest in our popular “Choice of Games” line of multiple-choice interactive-fiction games, is now available for Steam, iOS, and Android. It’s 33% off until February 19th!

Take a scientifically inaccurate romp in pirate-infested waters! Will you prove to the Royal German Marinological Society that mermaids really exist?

“The Daring Mermaid Expedition” is a 71,000-word interactive novel by Andrea Phillips, author of “The Daring Adventures of Lucy Smokeheart.” Your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based–without graphics or sound effects–and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

You are an up-and-coming researcher, tasked with proving the existence of mermaids in order to be admitted to the exclusive Royal German Marinological Society. With a member of the Society as your patron, you’ll brave pirate attacks and dubious academics to fight your way to Broken Shell Island and scientize the mythical mermaid kingdom. Play as a vengeful mermaid-hater, dispassionate scientist, or soft-hearted daydreamer. Or just chuck it all and embrace piracy on the crew of the infamous Lucy Smokeheart herself!

Will you join the illustrious ranks of the Society, or wind up in prison for scientific fraud? Spend the rest of your life living underwater, or be devoured by carnivorous fish-people?

You’re on a mermaid expedition—it’s time to sink or swim.

  • Ten distinct endings to discover!
  • Develop statistics like academic rigor, credibility, and blood loss!
  • 100% gender-neutral. Play whatever gender and sexuality you choose! We’re not the boss of you!
  • Dozens of achievements! Or maybe one dozen. Or more? Actually we’re not sure how many, we lost count! But there are definitely achievements!
  • Guaranteed to be at least 92% scientifically and historically inaccurate!
  • Navigate tricky interpersonal situations with wit, charm, or awkwardness!
  • Seduce your patron – or become bitter academic rivals!

We hope you enjoy playing The Daring Mermaid Expedition. We encourage you to tell your friends about it, and recommend the game on StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites. Don’t forget: our initial download rate determines our ranking on the App Store. The more times you download in the first week, the better our games will rank.

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