Apr 22


New Hosted Game! “Best of Us” by Teo Kuusela

Posted by: Dan Fabulich | Comments (4)

Hosted Games has a new game for you to play!

Best of Us

It’s the dawn of superpowers! Grab a cape and stand with the first generation of heroes as they struggle to join society and vanquish a criminal conspiracy, or lay the foundation to become the first villain.

Best of Us” is an interactive novel by Teo Kuusela, author of “Lords of Aswick.” Your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based–127,000 words, without graphics or sound effects–and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

  • Choose your powers: freeze your opponents, or carry them to the skies.
  • Don your very own hero uniform and save the city of Pacifica.
  • Face your fellow heroes and uncover a conspiracy.
  • Decide the future of heroes: dangerous vigilantes, or paragons of justice?
  • Lay the foundation for a better future, and perhaps profit from it as well.

Teo developed this game using ChoiceScript, a simple programming language for writing multiple-choice interactive novels like these. Writing games with ChoiceScript is easy and fun, even for authors with no programming experience. Write your own game and Hosted Games will publish it for you, giving you a share of the revenue your game produces.

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