Jul 15


These Thieving Hearts—Now in Coming Soon!

Posted by: Jason Stevan Hill | Comments (6)

Pull off legendary heists to steal the world’s most magical treasures, and stay one step ahead of your rivals. What’s hotter: the goods or the guys?

You can now play the free demo of These Thieving Hearts here. To get a peek behind the scenes of this project, you can read an interview with the author, published a few weeks ago, here. And, before you go, make sure to wishlist the game on Steam!

This is the second Heart’s Choice title by Raven de Hart; you can play his previous game, Freshman Magic: Spellbooks and Tangled Sheets, for free with ads, here.

Notable Replies

  1. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while now because Freshman Magic was amazing.
    Great that it’s coming out soon.

  2. Here we go! Thanks for the updates and all the best to the author!

  3. Can’t wait to further snuggle Ivan. Congrats on the release!

Continue the discussion at forum.choiceofgames.com

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