
Choice of Rebels: Uprising

"Choice of Rebels: Uprising" is Copyright 2017 Joel Havenstone. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Joel Havenstone is an amateur political scientist, theologian, critic, philosopher, Choice of Games forum moderator, and (now) writer of interactive fiction. Choice of Rebels has grown out of stories he's been telling in one medium or another since he was ten years old. Joel hails from a crumbling Hegemony and has lived and worked on the outskirts of an insurgency or two.

About Choice of Games

Choice of Games is the world's largest publishing house for interactive novels. Our award-winning games are entirely text-based—hundreds of thousands of words and hundreds of choices, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Choose your path: your choices control the story.

Since 2009, we've published more than 150 interactive novels on Steam, web, and our "Choice of Games" app for iPhone and Android, including multiple nominees for the SFWA Nebula Award. We publish more than a dozen games a year, and we continue to expand our back catalog of older games, which we make available for free to all readers.

Using ChoiceScript, the scripting language we've created for developing interactive novels, an individual author can write a full-length branching narrative, hundreds of thousands of words long, all in a single voice, under one creative vision. A player might read around 20% of those words on one playthrough, ensuring that our games remain fresh each time you play.

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Thanks & Acknowledgments

Special thanks to my wife and kids, for putting up with years of long writing sessions. Secondly to the Choice of Games team members who put what must have felt like years into editing the monstrously complicated files - Adam, Becky, Jason, and Mary.

The game would be far weaker if it hadn't been read and reviewed by dozens of CoG Forum members at every stage of development. That leaves me with a lot of people to thank!

Readers to whom I owe a particularly massive debt include:

For major advice, review, and/or engagement with the game and the world over a lengthy period, my thanks go out to:

Finally, a special word of thanks to Don Elliston, aka "dashingdon," for freely hosting my work in progress as well as so many others'.

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