*title Restore, Reflect, Retry *author Natalia Theodoridou *ifid 44f8259f-35fe-498c-abb6-1bf77405173b *scene_list startup one two three four five six *achievement ending hidden 10 Sense of an Ending hidden Complete the game once. *achievement painter hidden 10 I Was Once a Painter hidden Draw a portrait of yourself as a haunted house. *achievement second_ending visible 10 Ouroboros The ending is the beginning. Play again, and again, and again. *achievement escape visible 10 Escape the Town Escape your hometown. *achievement love visible 10 Find Love Use love as a substitute for self-fulfillment. *achievement retrieve visible 10 Friends Labor Lost Reunite with a lost friend. *achievement ghost visible 10 Ghost Buster Catch a ghost. *achievement bodies hidden 10 Waste Land hidden Leave behind you a valley strewn with bodies. *achievement circle hidden 10 Undisturbed Circles hidden Make a perfect circle in the sand. *achievement comments hidden 10 Introspection hidden Get acquainted with the game's inner workings. *achievement lights hidden 10 Lights Out hidden See what's hidden in the dark. *achievement alternate hidden 10 Multiverse hidden Explore alternate realities. *achievement conspiracy hidden 10 Evolutions hidden Discover a new species of predator. *achievement nuclear hidden 10 Mad Science hidden Listen to the mad scientist. *achievement eldritch hidden 10 Eldritch hidden Witness the rise of a being older than you can imagine. *achievement comeout hidden 10 Trust hidden Gain a friend's trust. *achievement mirror hidden 50 Mirror Mirror hidden Reach beyond the screen. *create implicit_control_flow true *comment personality & skills stats *create chaotic 50 *comment chaotic/sloppy, opposed by diligent/neat *create self_centered 50 *comment opposed by self-effacing *create brave 50 *comment also hasty and trusting, opposed by cowardly (cautious, suspicious) *create insight 30 *comment includes research skills, observation, resourcefulness *create athletics 30 *comment includes strength and speed *create composure 30 *comment refers to maturity or the appearance of. Adults trust you, and you can generally keep your cool. *comment terms & pronouns for player: *create e "" *create eir "" *create em "" *create eirs "" *create emself "" *create plural false *create name "" *create hobby 1 *comment 1 = drawing (insight boost); 2 = gaming (athletics boost); 3 = reading (composure boost) *create imagination 0 *create Joshy 50 *create Catrina 50 *create Cat "Catrina" *create ce "she" *create cem "her" *create ceir "her" *create cemself "herself" *create Maria 50 *create Tommy 50 *create Harper 30 *create romantic_involvement false *create joshy_romance false *create catrina_romance false *create maria_romance false *create tommy_romance false *create romance_person 5 *comment 1 = Maria; 2 = Joshy; 3 = Tommy; 4 = Catrina, 5 = starting value *comment The following are used to adjust stats by set amount, reconfigured as necessary at the beginning of each chapter. *create small_change 10 *create mid_change 20 *create hi_change 40 *comment Stat test thresholds, to be reconfigured as necessary. *create stat_lo_edge 10 *create stat_lo_pass 30 *create stat_mid_pass 50 *create stat_hi_pass 60 *create stat_hi_edge 70 *create ambition 1 *comment 1 = starting value; 2 = need money to support studies. Getting a university degree, succeeding in your studies, landing a better job. *create escapism 1 *comment 1 = starting value; 2 = need money to escape town. Leaving town, whether it is to study or for any other reason. *create romance 1 *comment 1 = starting value; 2 = need job to support family. Have a family / find love *create job 30 *comment Your performance at your part-time convenience store job. *create studies 30 *comment How well you’re doing, depending on how much you apply yourself. Will largely determine your university admittance. *create bodycount 0 *create hunter false *create mystery 0 *comment 1: This is an alternate reality you are trapped in. (Chapter 4 - Ms. Harper); 2: The game is a predator that evolved on the Internet; you connect with conspiracy theorists online. (Chapter 4 - log); 3: According to a mad scientist, the game’s existence is connected to the nuclear accident. (Chapter 5 - hospital); 4: According to a researcher you meet at your university, the game is an ancient, eldritch being. (Chapter 5 - university) *comment chapter one stats *create sleepdeprived false *create chosen 1 *comment 1 = Maria; 2 = Joshy; 3 = Tommy; 4 = Catrina *create bled 1 *comment 1 = Maria; 2 = Joshy; 3 = Tommy; 4 = Catrina; 5 = player *create dorian false *create rebecca false *create zola false *create dig false *create cog_haunted false *create knight false *create kafka false *create blank false *create bigeyes false *create not_my_face false *create level_1_stats false *create just_a_game false *comment chapter two stats *create first_weapon 1 *comment 1 = gun; 2 = hands; 3 = machete *create second_weapon 1 *create first_shooter_ability 1 *comment 1 = medic; 2 = attack; 3 = asset *create medic false *create attack false *create asset false *create second_shooter_ability 1 *create checkpoint false *create second_checkpoint false *create tommy_dead false *create best_friend 5 *comment 1 = maria; 2 = joshy; 3 = tommy; 4 = catrina; 5 = no one, starting value *create level_2_stats false *create enemies false *create pacifist false *create survival false *create gun false *create machete false *create hands false *create helped false *create ignored false *create rampaged false *create spared false *create still false *create Tommy_injured false *create ch2_study false *create self_pick true *create grownup false *create tommy_died false *comment chapter three stats *create level_3_stats false *create maria_romance_postponed false *create joshy_romance_postponed false *create catrina_romance_postponed false *create ate_fruit false *create saw_eat_fruit false *create ate_ghost false *create fought_joshy false *create tommy_ghost false *create tommy_lost false *create catrina_lost false *create joshy_lost false *create maria_lost false *create lost_friend 5 *comment 1 = maria; 2 = joshy; 3 = tommy; 4= catrina; 5 = no one, starting value *create mirrors false *comment chapter four stats *create level_4_stats false *create waste false *create promise_Harper false *create ate false *create hack false *create bury false *create studied false *create sea false *create smash false *create friend "" *create fe "" *create fem "" *create feir "" *create sanity false *create kept_message false *create harper_alternate false *comment chapter five stats *create level_5_stats false *create student_guide false *create student_haunt false *create joshy_ptsd false *create uni_maria false *create left_maria false *create follow_maria false *create uni false *create follow_tommy false *create left_tommy false *create beg_tommy false *create uni_catrina false *create left_catrina false *create catrina_city false *create catrina_stayed false *create tommy_stayed false *create stayed_for_joshy false *create city false *create left false *create stayed false *create joshy_uni false *create tommy_followed false *create joshy_city false *create maria_city false *create tommy_city false *create spared_students false *create trapped false *create logged false *create win false *create saved_friend false *create sand false *create war false *create funfair false *create maze false *create pay_mother false *create tommy_uni_same false *create catrina_left false *create quit false *create bargained false *comment chapter six stats *create partner "" *create pe "" *create peir "" *create pem "" *create level_6_stats false *create key "" *if not(choice_is_web or choice_is_steam) *temp skip_description *config skip_description false *if skip_description *goto purchased *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchase_supported and not(choice_purchased_adfree) This is a haunted game about a haunted game. You've played this game before. You may not remember, but the game does. Open the door. Enter the maze. Ignore the ghosts. [i]Restore, Reflect, Retry[/i] is an interactive horror novel by Natalia Theodoridou. It's entirely text-based, with 90,000 words and hundreds of choices, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. [b]Nebula Award Finalist[/b] for Best Game Writing in the 60th Annual Nebula Awards! None of you remembers who first found the game: the black rectangular box with the small screen on which instructions appear. Of course it piqued your interest: this is the 1990s, after all, and there isn’t much for teenagers to do in your small town. Your friends were intrigued, and so were you. So you started to play. And play. And play. What does it matter if no one remembers exactly how you discovered the game, or if the story changes ever so slightly each time you tell it? Or if you change ever so slightly too, every time you emerge into the real world once more? All that matters is that you keep playing. • Nebula Award Finalist for Best Game Writing in the 60th Annual Nebula Awards • Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, or bi. • Travel through the world as a visionary artist, a strategic gamer, or a thoughtful book lover. • Befriend a ghost, become a ghost, or consume a ghost. • Save your friends from the game within a game—if you can. • Explore pixelated alternate realities to solve the mystery of the game’s origin, and contemplate the deeper truths of this reality. • Befriend the being behind the screen—or try to destroy the game that you are playing, and hope that it doesn’t fight back. Come in, Player. I'm waiting. Do you dare haunt me? *if choice_is_advertising_supported [i]${choice_title}[/i] is supported by advertisements, but you can buy the unlimited version to turn off ads forever. *purchase_discount adfree 2024-07-18 $4.99 $2.99 purchased *page_break_advertisement *goto purchased *else [i]You can play through the game once for free, or purchase unlimited replays below.[/i] *purchase_discount adfree 2024-07-13 $4.99 $2.99 purchased *page_break Play Now for Free *label purchased *finish