*title Fallen Hero: Retribution *author Malin Rydén *scene_list startup statsetting chapter12 chapter13 chapter14 $ chapter15 $ chapter16 $ chapter17 $ chapter18 $ chapter19 $ chapter20 $ chapter21 $ chapter22 $ chapter23 $ chapter24 $ chapter25 $ chapter26 $ ending savesys choicescript_stats statsetting *create implicit_control_flow true *create playtestenabled false *create sr false *create sv true *comment verb singular for multireplace. He is true, they are false. *comment ${che} @{sv is|are} a telepath. *comment Reminder: known_telepath, hgknown_telepath, rangers_known_telepath, argent_known_telepath (villain) told_ortega_telepath, told_steel_telepath (civ) *comment PLOT AND MINOR CHARACTERS *comment LOU CARTER *create carter false *create carterinfo false *create cartersafe false *create carterart false *comment CAPTAIN BLAZE *create metblaze false *create testblaze false *comment finds out that Blaze will protect civilians *create blazeleg false *comment finds out that Blaze has a weak leg *create blazetaunt false *comment finds out that Blaze is sensetive toward ortega comments *create blazeteach false *comment if Hunter focused prepare them on Blaze *create knowssteelblaze false *comment Herald let you know they had a thing. *comment result of the showdown *create blazedead false *create blazedown false *create blazedraw false *create blazeally false *create blazesave false *create blazeloss false *create blazeblaze false *comment BRIDGEFIGHT *create bridgefail false *create bridgejump false *create handyman_win false *create bridgeloot false *create calledmedia false *comment MIA AND THE MEDIA *create met_mia false *create met_mia_villain false *create mia_puppet_friendship 0 *create mia_puppet_relationship "none" *comment none/nice stranger/acquaintance/false identity/anonymous source/source/contact *create mia_villain_relationship "none" *comment Mia Ochoa has some thoughts about ${villain_name}, and that is that they are ${mia_villain_relationship}. *comment none/interesting/playing hard to get/super creepy/a bit of a rabble-rouser/secretly a hero *create mia_interview false *create stolemiasbike false *create gavemiamoney false *create donatedcharity false *create mia_favor false *create vernon true *comment told villain about vernon. *create confidential_info false *create toldmiarealname false *create fanclub 20 *comment 10 sidekick, 20 vigilante, 30+ hero. *create sidestep_reputation 0 *comment notable media events of Rebirth *create debut_boom false *create debut_fight false *create debut_erase false *create debut_rob false *create galasafe false *create galaboom false *create heraldsavedmuseum false *comment THE AUCTION *create skin false *comment this is how you know about the regenerator beforehand *create puppetauction false *create mortumauction false *create stealgun false *create steal false *create presteal false *create quiet false *create mayhem false *create infiltrate false *create buygunmortum false *create cheapgun false *create expensivegun false *create gotgun false *create auctioncaptured false *create umbral false *create nanomods false *comment if used nanovore on modded people *create gunsecret false *comment knows what Dr. Mortums gun does *create celebrate false *comment auction went well *create birthday false *comment talked about missing ortega's birthday as puppet *comment ORYX *create mcoryx false *comment spotted oryx *create oryxrevealed false *comment knows it's argent *create oryxpicture false *comment took pictures of argent/oryx for future blackmail *create oryxdate false *create oryxpuppet false *comment CATASTROFIEND *create creleased false *create argentfoughtcat false *create helpargentfoughtcat false *create argentsmoke false *create mortumknowscreleased false *create jakecat false *comment SHROUD *create shroudinfo false *comment knows shrouds name *create shroudmeet false *comment puppet met shroud *create shroudknows false *comment shroud knows puppet is ace *create shroudfooled false *comment shroud think puppet is someone else *create shroudrun false *comment ran from shroud *create shroudmortumhelp false *comment Dr. Mortum saw the puppet panicked and desperate after shroud *create shroudmortumresearch false *comment asked for help finding out about Shroud from Dr. Mortum *create shroudresearchlater false *comment decided to research shroud later on your own *create shroudregene false *comment told Dr. Mortum that shroud is a regene *create shroudhand false *comment shroud lost a hand to argent *create villainshroud false *comment villain met shroud *create shroudtelepathy false *comment used telepathy on shroud *create shroudfarm false *comment realized shroud is from the Farm *create shroudpunch false *comment punched shroud *create argentshroud false *comment argent fought shroud *create argentsave false *comment saved argent from shroud *comment REGENERATOR *create gotmachine false *create askmortummachine false *create assemblemachine false *create mortumassemblemachine false *create helpmachine false *comment can't assemble the machine but has it *create mortumknowsregenerator false *comment has shared partial documents of the regenerator with dr mortum *create newskin false *comment learned about the machine at the auction *create livestock false *comment has had a farm dream *create gotbriefcase false *comment only if no gotmachine *create partialmachine false *create argentgotmachine false *comment if you don't have gotmachine. no sharing. *create gaveargentmachine false *comment gave argent the machine. *create machineshare false *comment you have the machine but will share with argent. *create argentassemblemachine false *comment asked argent to assemble the machine, since Mortum was no longer an option. *create askargentmachine false *comment if mortumreveal and machineshare, ask for help *create puppetmachine false *comment puppet knows about the machine. remember to do a callback to that in your real body. *create puppetwarning false *comment dr mortum warned puppet to get out of town and take no jobs from boss *comment HOLLOW GROUND *create hollowgroundinfo false *comment got info about who HG is *create hgclue 0 *comment does HG know about you hitting the auction beforehand. *create sneakyauction false *comment does the villain avoid collateral damage at the auction *create hgcard false *create hgbomb false *create mitchell false *comment has heard about mitchell *create hgcolor "" *comment hgs haircolor, the same as the mcs originally *create hg false *comment knows about HG *create met_hg false *comment met HG as the mc face to face *create hgknown_telepath false *create hgrep 0 *create hg_friendship 0 *create hg_relationship "" *comment HG thinks villain is a: nuisance/danger/useful recruit/valuable recruit/dangerous recruit *create hghelp false *comment you promised Ortega to help with HG *create drawhgblood false *comment you kicked HG in the face *create hghome false *comment you know where HG lives *create hgspotted false *comment you were spotted trailing HG *create hghomemaybe false *comment you know the general area where HG lives *create beatupbyhg false *comment you got beaten up by HG *create hghe "" *create hghis "" *create hghim "" *create hgsv true *create hg_marked "none" *comment pierced in none/ear/eyebrow/nose (only on capture atm) *create gunfire false *comment shot your way out of HG's lair. *create nocinfo false *comment have met and knows about nocturne and her powers *create usednocturne false *comment attacked nocturne *create redstreak false *comment saw the red streak in Jake *create redcut false *comment cut the red streak in Jake *create rt false *comment HG got you. *create rknow false *comment you know HG tried to get you *create noshake false *comment you never touched HG *create jake false *comment you know who Jake Manalo is *create jakethief false *comment you broke in early to steal things *create jakerobber false *comment you robbed the auction, Jake respects that *create winjake false *comment you beat Jake in the museum *create jakekill false *comment Jake was supposed to kill the puppet *create possessjake false *comment you possessed Jake to escape from captivity *create jakescar false *comment puppet shot jake in the face with a plasma gun *create jakeally false *comment had a chat with Jake about the red threads you cut in his mind. *create jakepuppet_friendship 0 *create jakepuppetflirting false *create jakeremember "no" *comment Jake remembers ${puppet_name} as … *comment old: no/bar/cool/peacemaker/instigator/lucky/spotted(for puppetdate Jake associates with ortega) *comment new: no/a nobody/cool/lucky/a troublemaker/suspicious/ *create jakebug false *comment will bug Jake *create trackjake false *comment success *create girlbug false *comment will bug Umbral's girlfriend *create trackgirlfriend false *comment suggess *create drugged false *comment HG drugged you when you got caught during the auction *create deadeye false *comment you know about deadeye *create numbers false *comment you know about numbers *create numbersortega false *comment you told ortega about numbers *create dsinfo false *comment knows what a DS chip is *comment REVEALS *comment who knows you are a regene *create heraldregenereveal false *create ortegaregenereveal false *create steelregenereveal false *create argentregenereveal false *create mortumregenereveal false *comment villain reveals *create argentreveal false *create ortegareveal false *create steelreveal false *create heraldreveal false *create rangersreveal false *comment having the trans talk *create heraldknowstrans false *create argentknowstrans false *create ortegaknowstrans false *create steelknowstrans false *comment having the nb talk *create steelnbtalk false *comment can initiate nb/chen romance if handled right *comment CRASHRELATED *create cro false *comment ortega caused the crash *create crm false *comment the mc/puppet cause the crash *create cra false *comment the crash was an accident *create pcrash false *create mcrash false *create pbody false *create mbody false *create path1 false *create path2 false *create path3 false *create path4 false *create monster false *comment ortega called you monster *create toldheraldmonster false *comment told herald what ortega said *create voluntaryreveal false *comment told Ortega they were the villain willingly *create rangersarmor false *comment the rangers have the villain armor *create puppetleave false *comment you abandoned the puppet before the crash, did not have a vision *create cc false *comment notation to keep track you came from the crash in anathema scenes *create innocent false *comment the mc is seen as innocent after the crash, not the villain *create nointerrogation false *comment captured puppet was not interrogated by Steel, because he was injured. *comment if Ortega has seen the villain and the mc as the same time thanks to the Rat King *create notthevillain false *create pcv 50 *comment if you are trapped in the puppet, is your body safe? *create bodysafe false *create bodysafeargent false *create bodysafeortega false *create bodysafeherald false *create ortegavisit false *comment visited ortega after the crash in the hospital as the mc *create puppetcaught false *comment comatose puppet in ranger's care *create puppetmortum false *comment comatose puppet in mortum's care *create hgtaken false *comment ortega thinks hg has taken mc *create knowsafe false *comment the puppet knows that their crew/hench got the mc's body to safety. *comment Player statistics: *create statscreen false *create statscreen2 false *comment GENDER AND IDENTITY *create name "" *create surname "" *create nickname "" *create gender "unknown" *comment gender man/woman/person *create sex "unknown" *comment sex male/female/genderqueer *create trans false *create afab false *create amab false *create nb false *comment female/male presentation variable *create fp false *create mp false *comment prefers not to mention genitalia *create ts false *comment top surgery yes or no *create che "unknown" *create chis "unknown" *create chim "unknown" *create sexualexperience "unknown" *comment straight/queer/gay/shy/ace/none DEFUNCT, NOT USING IT *create hrny false *comment physical attraction variable *create aspecace false *comment for tracking ace stuff *create aspec false *create samesex false *create truesex false *create nbsex false *comment LOOKS AND STYLE *create appearance false *create eyes "unknown" *create race "unknown" *create haircolor "unknown" *create hairstyle "unknown" *create hairtexture "unknown" *create facial_hair "" *create noruffle false *create presentability 0 *create style "nondescript and casual" *create genderstyle "" *create tall false *comment taller than everyone. *create short false *comment about Argent's size, shorter than everyone else. *create average false *comment shorter than ortega and chen, about the same as herald, mortum a fraction shorter, argent shorter. *create swear "unknown" *comment piercings *create p_eye false *create p_ear false *create p_tongue false *create p_nose false *create p_single false *create piercing "" *comment visible ones on the face only *comment MONEY AND LIVING *create wealth "unknown" *comment wealth: poor - comfortable - well-off - wealthy - rich *create money false *comment just if you set the income level yet since thief is out of sync *create robcriminal false *create base "" *comment ruin/waterplant/business/luxury *create civilian "" *comment none/squatter/friendly squatter/clerk/receptionist CAN HAVE NONE ON ALL EXCEPT MARCIA IS ALWAYS THERE *create apartment "" *comment you are living in: your old, shitty apartment/your old, comfortable apartment/your base/a cheap, shitty apartment/a comfortable apartment/a spacious apartment/a luxury apartment *comment coffee/tobacco/sugar/beer *create vice "unknown" *create first_initial "c" *create second_initial "b" *comment MAJOR STATS *create force 50 *comment 80+ things gets dangerous *create subterfuge 50 *comment 80+ things gets dangerous *create willpower "calm" *comment you feel…calm - rattled - tired - exhausted - unconscious :::determined *create stamina "rested" *comment you are…rested - tired - exhausted - unconscious *create status "fine" *comment status fine - bruised - hurt - injured - bleeding - unconscious *create wound "no significant wounds" *create daring 50 *comment opposed cautious -> daring *create villainy 50 *comment opposed empathy -> ruthlessness *create arrogance 10 *comment opposed anonymity -> arrogance *comment MINOR STATS *create streetwise false *create tech_savvy false *create tactician false *create fighter false *create leadership 20 *comment mostly for the boss path so far *create motivation "unknown" *comment revenge: against the people that hurt you/fate: this just feels inevitable/justice: show the world the truth/anger: enough of being stepped on/life: you want a good one *create drive 20 *comment how set are you on achieving your goals *create regenereveal false *comment if the reader knows the mc is a regene yet *create animatedarmor false *comment the Rat King has driven your armor. *create nsfw false *comment in your own body *create veg false *comment likes ordered vegen burger *comment VILLAIN STATS *create villain_debut false *create villain_name "" *comment Sidestep, Anathema and Heartbreak has special treatment *create known_telepath false *create rangers_known_telepath false *create suit_wear 0 *create suit_armor false *create suit_speed false *create suit_telepathy false *create suit_strength false *create suit_cape false *create suit_functional false *create suit_imposing false *create suit_terrifying false *create suit_mysterious false *create infamy 0 *comment KILL VARIABLES FOR INNER MONOLOGUE/VIEWS *create kill false *comment generally if the villain has caused deaths known or not *create stopkill false *comment you stopped killing (has kill tag) *create saving false *comment you are focused on saving (need no kill tag) *create pastsaving false *comment did save, but failed *create agentkill false *comment agentkill if it is okay to kill agents an cops (for internal monologue, need no kill tag) *comment KILL VARIABLES FOR OTHERS REACTIONS *create knownkill false *comment (encompasses kill, agentkill and massacre) *create sneakykill false *comment (encompasses kill, agentkill, but also possbily no kill tag if are just making them kill themselves) *create repentkill false *comment (kill with either stopkill or saving). Mistakes were made but no more *create repentfail false *comment when you've tried to stop killing but failed and killed again. *create nokill false *comment has never killed (can include saving) *create massacre false *comment has done at least one spectacular mass death *create ruins false *comment ruined the museum. *create museummassacre false *comment massacre at the museum specifically *create liedaboutcaring false *comment lied about caring about ortega *comment HENCHMAN *create met_henchman false *create boris false *create rosie false *create hench_name "unknown" *create hhe "unknown" *create hhis "unknown" *create hhim "unknown" *create henchhelp "none" *comment during the warehouse fight *create hench_hired false *comment officially signed on with the villain. *create hench_relationship "unknown" *comment with the puppet: boss - friend - distant *comment if not boss the hench uses crew_relationship if hench_hired: *comment ${hench_name} views ${villain_name}: as a good opportunity to make money/with fear and trepidation *comment HUNTER *create hunter false *create prepare_them false *comment THIEF *create thief false *create robber false *create techthief false *create lupin false *comment BOSS *create boss false *comment Your henchmen view you: with fear and trepidation/as a competent and professional boss/as likable and friendly *create crew_relationship "" *create met_team false *create henchloyalty 30 *create boss_secret true *create boss_secret_base true *create boss_hero false *create boss_regene false *comment ANARCHIST *create anarchist false *create destroyrep false *create feared false *create remove false *create politics 20 *create rahturn false *create rahscare false *create rahhate false *create deverauxdead false *create deverauxgone false *create deverauxmessage false *comment to deliver a message to the mayor and threaten *comment THE PUPPET *create puppet_name "" *create puppet_gender "unknown" *create phe "unknown" *create phis "unknown" *create phim "unknown" *create puppet_height "unknown" *comment short/tall *create puppet_appearance false *create puppet_eyes "unknown" *create puppet_race "unknown" *create puppet_haircolor "unknown" *create puppet_hairstyle "unknown" *create puppet_hairtexture "unknown" *create mirror_image false *create puppet_individuality 0 *create precognition 0 *create redtwelve false *create getdown false *create greenzero false *create ace false *comment knows who Ace is and how they died *create mistakenidentity false *comment lies to herald in the gallery that you are not Ortega's friend *create puppet_skill "unknown" *comment running/boxing/aikido *create puppet_status "fine" *comment status fine - bruised - hurt - injured - bleeding - *create puppet_wound "has no serious wounds" *comment the puppet is… *comment PUPPET AND ORTEGA *create puppetmet_ortega false *create puppetortega_friendship 0 *create puppetortega_relationship "" *comment none/workout friend/friend and confidante/eternally flirting/semioffically dating/ *comment post crash add: on shaky ground /bad *create puppetortega_base "" *comment: hug/peck/kiss *create ortega_flirting_puppet false *create suspect_ortega_uses_puppet false *comment suspects that ortega is using the puppet, that the puppet is work *create galaortega false *comment went with the ortega to the museum gala *create ortega_hesitate_kissing_puppet false *comment Ortega hesitated kissing the puppet at the museum *create puppet_kiss_ortega false *comment the puppet kissed Ortega at the museum *create puppetdate false *comment took the puppet on a date that blew up *create knowpuppet false *comment ortega knows that the mc knows about the puppet as a person *create puppetortega_afraid false *comment puppet broke things off after the museum due to fear *create opuppetex false *comment ortega and the puppet broke up *create ortegabrokeuppuppet false *comment ortega broke up with the puppet *create opcomplicated false *comment ortega flirting with both puppet and mc *create puppetbreakup false *comment promised to break up with puppet *create sneakypuppetbreakup false *comment broke up with puppet but mc doesn't know *create sniper false *comment had a precog flash before crash of sniper trying to kill ortega *create toldortegasniper false *comment let ortega know about the sniper *create pcrev false *comment puppet is compromised, and the puppetstory decides how Ortega feels. for the stat sheet. *create puppetstory "interesting" *comment Ortega thinks ${puppet_name} is…interesting / innocent / suspicious / a liar / loyal to ${villain_name} / working for ${villain_name} / afraid of ${villain_name} / a criminal *create puppethgvictim false *comment puppet is a victim of hg *create puppetworkforvillain false *comment the puppet has admitted working for the villain. *create puppetsawhg false *comment puppet saw hg's face *create puppetbrainwashed false *comment ortega thinks the puppet is brainwashed by the villain telepath *create ortegawantstocontactvillain false *comment ortega has told puppet they want their help to contact the villain. *create stonewalling false *comment puppet refusing to cooperate with the police *comment CLUES FOR EVERYONE *create ortega_clue 0 *comment ortega_clue is whether he thinks puppet and mc are similar. *create puppet_proof 20 *comment puppet_proof is whether ortega has proof of puppet being a criminal. *create oc 0 *comment oc is ortega clues to set villain suspicion *comment Villain is handled with the villain_relationship ="suspicion" tag. It will be replaced in chapter one with oc 50. In general the oc suspicion value will be > 40 *create prehgsuspect false *comment keeps track of whether ortega suspected the mc before the HG encounter or not. *create liedgood false *comment convinced ortega that they were not guilty in hospital crash *create mortum_clue 0 *comment mortum clue: 10 gender, 20 telepath, *create argent_clue 0 *comment argent clues (what is the max from rebirth?) *create steel_clue 0 *comment what are steel clues in rebirth *comment POLYRELATED VARIABLES *create steelortegacrush false *create ortegaknows_steelcrush false *create steelortegatalk false *create maybechentegapoly false *comment chen, ortega, mc triad equal side *create maybechentegastep false *comment chen, ortega, mc with ortega in the middle *create maybestepchentega false *comment chen, ortega, mc with chen in the middle *create ortegaknowsheraldflirt false *create ortegaheraldtalked false *create preortegaheraldpoly false *comment in ch 18 if decided to wait, admitted to caring for both. Not followed up yet, should it be? or book three? *create maybeortegaheraldpoly false *create ortegaheraldpoly false *create heraldortegahot false *comment determines if the poly is a triad or just Sidestep in the middle with no ortega/herald *create ortega_tell_sidestep_crush false *create ortegaknows_argentflirt false *create ortegaargentpoly false *create odumpedforargent false *create mcpuppetrivalortega false *comment is there any use keeping track of this? *comment RANGERS *create rangers_reputation 50 *create rangers_relationship "" *comment: You are friendly with/avoiding/helping out the Rangers. *create steeldoubt 20 *create ortegadoubt 10 *create heralddoubt 0 *create argentdoubt 30 *comment how much they doubt their cause *create steelsnap false *create steeltoldortegavillain false *create argenttoldortegavillain false *create ortegachenrift false *comment steel tried to claim mc ws villain, ortega does not believe it. *create rangersvisit false *create rangersknowshideout false *comment innocent crash end, all the rangers knows where the mc is hiding. *comment ORTEGA *create ortega_gender "unknown" *create ortega_name "" *create he "unknown" *create his "unknown" *create him "unknown" *create met_ortega false *create ortega_mustache true *create ortega_growbeard false *comment grows one after ch 18 *create ortega_beard false *comment retribution *create ortega_friendship 0 *create ortega_relationship "" *comment "friend and ally""a ghost from the past""it's complicated""open attraction" "lovers" (postvillainreveal) "broken trust" "Re-Gene copy" *create ortega_friend false *comment considers ortega to have been your friend *create ortega_formerally false *comment if not past flirting or friend *create ortega_rival false *create ortegahome false *create hospitalkiss false *create puppet_spy false *comment is using the puppet to spy on Ortega *comment ortega orientation *create ortegaout false *comment ortegaout is if ortega and mc (or puppet) are same gender or genderqueer, and are flirting NOW *create ortegacloset false *comment ortegacloset is if ortega and mc are same gender or genderqueer, and was flirting in the PAST *create juliaforty false *comment has talked about Julia's thoughts about family, kids, and her failure to provide them. *create ricardocloset false *comment has talked about ricardo growing up and his worries about being bi. *create ortega_pastflirting false *create ortega_flirting_new false *create ortega_secretcrush false *create ortega_pastsecretcrush false *comment had it back in rebirth, not combinable with past flirting *create ortega_formersecretcrush false *comment had a secret crush but is now flirting openly. *create ortega_realize_crush false *create ortegakiss false *create ortegaalleykiss false *create ortegansfw false *create orteganaked false *create touchpanic false *create owalkout false *create olove false *comment ortega said they loved you *create love_ortega_confession false *comment accidentally admits to loving ortega after regene reveal. Doesn't set flirting to true! *create ortegaex false *create ortegaexmaybe false *comment has admitted that maybe they broke up for other reasons than not being attracted *create ot true *create ob false *create hoodace false *comment talked about hood being ace with ortega. *create onick "Ortega" *create onickset false *create visithospital false *create ortega_base "" *comment: hug/peck/kiss/rival (what, if any did the mc do with ortega at the hospital) *create tinfoil false *comment ortega revealed their tinfoil theories *create truetinfoil false *comment keeping up the lies *create hgsave false *comment narrative one *create enemysave false *comment narrative two *create putr false *comment a trigger to talk about punching *create putrtalk false *create told_ortega_telepath false *create told_ortega_horrible false *create told_ortega_farm false *create told_ortega_enemies false *create ohear false *comment knows ortega can listen in on stuff (need puppet date) *create ortega_power_info false *comment at the hospital (check what it does) *create oknowsmshot false *comment knows sidestep was badly hurt during sex *create catortegatalk false *comment talked to ortega about the catastrofiend *comment enemy/afraid/suspicious/sympathetic/nemesis *create villainortega_relationship "enemy" *create ortegasave false *create ortega_hurt false *create ortega_cut false *create bedpunch false *create ortegahoots false *create flirtannoyed false *create ortega_knows_suicidal false *create fakeself false *create formerfake false *comment ortega called you a fake, then recanted *create orecorder false *comment found Ortega's recorder after the crash *create shint 0 *comment flier clues *create gucci false *create worried false *comment was worried enough to visit ortega in the hospital post crash immediately. *comment post reveal former stats *create por_ghost false *create por_friend false *create por_complicated false *create por_attraction false *create por_lovers false *create lieaboutcaring false *comment sidestep lied about caring abput ortega *comment DOCTOR MORTUM *create title "" *create mhe "unknown" *create mhis "unknown" *create mhim "unknown" *create mortum_gender "unknown" *create met_mortum false *create pm false *create labcoat false *create mortum_friendship 0 *create use_mortum false *comment are being nice to mortum to manipulate them *create mfake "" *comment adds "fake" before the relationship on the stat screen *comment Dr. Mortum owes the villain a favor. *create puppetmortum_relationship "" *comment frosty/business associate/friend/flirting/dating/lovers/revealed/betrayed (at the end if revealed: best friends/partners) *create puppetmortum_base "" *comment not a job/quit soon/soon truth *comment post reveal to track what they talked with Mortum about: gendertalk/regenetalk/gender_regenetalk *comment gendertalk is mortum talking about their transitioning *comment regenetalk is mc talking about feelings and beung a regene *create knowmtrans false *comment knows dr mortum is trans *create genderquestion false *comment mc starts to question their gender assumptions *create mortumgendertalk false *comment got the genderquestion from the mortum talk *create transmortumthoughts false *comment talks about transitioning with Mortum *create skyraider false *comment met Sky-Raider *create mortum_flirting_puppet false *create puppetmortumkiss false *create mortumpuppetnsfw false *comment havehad sex as puppet *create mortum_romance_style "" *comment forward/shy/bossy *create mortumonetime false *comment stopped sleeping with mortum *create mpuppetex false *create knowmortumlab false *create knowslie false *comment mortum knows you are lying to him and promised to hear you out *create powerboost false *comment Mortum has talked about boosting the puppet's powers. *create mortumshroudsdlook false *comment Mortum will look into if Shroud works for the SD. *create villainmetmortum false *create villainmortum_relationship "neutral" *comment hostile/neutral/tolerant *create mortumfavor false *comment Mortum owes the villain a favor for the gun *create galamortum false *comment went to the museum gala with mortum *create mortumtruth false *comment told mortum the truth about blowing up the museum *create mortum_dinner false *comment asked out to dinner in rebirth *create notlovers false *comment the puppet denied that the mc and ortega are lovers to Dr. Mortum *create mortum_cover "unknown" *comment friend/colleague/date/cousin/doctor name: Jay Brown *create mcmetmortum false *create mcmortumcrush false *comment mc meets mortum and realizes they have feelings in their body *create mcadmitmortumcrush false *comment mc admits to having a crush on Mortum after the reveal *comment post reveal mortum *create mortumknows false *comment mortum knows the mc and the puppet is the same *create savemortum false *comment saves Mortum from the catastrofiend *create catwound false *comment catastrofiend wounded you *create mortumshotyou false *comment Mortum shoots you after the reval *create mortumgotgun false *comment dr mortum got his gun back *comment for what the relationship with the puppet was pre-reveal *create pfrosty false *create pbusiness false *create pfriend false *create pflirting false *create pdating false *create plovers false *comment LADY ARGENT *comment argent and the mc *create argent_friendship 0 *create argent_relationship "none" *comment name's relationship with Lady Argent is: distant/amiable/ respectful (can hold their own)/tense (post reveal bad), hostile (post reveal really bad)/ pending(post reveal flirt), soft (post date) *create argent_respect false *comment (can hold their own in a fight) *create met_argent false *create argent_rival false *create argent_mindmeld false *comment you went into argent's mind to 'help' *create argentsharks false *comment you know there are sharks in argent's mind *create argentconfrontation false *comment the mc confronted argent in the hq *create choke false *comment argent choked the mc in the confrontation *create enjoy_choke false *comment enough said about that *create chokesecret false *comment agreed not to talk about it *comment argent and the villain *create villainargent_friendship 0 *create villainargent_relationship "enemy" *comment enemy (base)/impressed(likes the fighting)/cheater(telepathic)/coward(use civilians)/nemesis(kill civilian in front of her, or watch her smoke, or steal the machine)/complex(not sure if it's flirting)/flirting *create argent_known_telepath false *comment told argent you're a telepath *create argent_ace false *create argent_ace_used false *create argent_eyes false *comment you have seen argent's eyes *create argent_sample false *comment you got a sample of argent's hair and delivered it to mortum in rebirth *create argent_cape false *comment argent stole your cape in rebirth *create argent_cape_returned false *comment got the cape back *create win false *comment won against argent in rebirth *create argent_naked false *comment blew up her clothes in rebirth *create argentorigin false *comment knows argent's origin story *create argentkiller false *comment made argent kill a civilian *create argentally false *comment argent wants to free you if guilty *create awarning false *comment argent warned you about killing *create akill false *comment you killed after argent's warning *comment flirting *create argent_flirting false *comment flirting with the villain *create helmetkiss false *comment kissed the villains helmet *create argentkiss false *comment kissed for real *create spoken_for false *comment turned argent down because you were spoken for *create ximena false *comment knows argent's true name *create argenthome false *comment seen argent's home *create argentdate false *comment has a date with argent *create argentknowsvillainbase false *comment picked up unconscious mc at the base *create argentspar false *create possessedreveal false *comment argent knows you possessed her *create stayaway false *comment told to stay away from the Rangers by Argent *create facial_scar false *comment argent scarred your cheek in rebirth *create argent_marks false *comment argent marked your face after the possessed reveal *create blinded false *comment argent blinded you *create denypossess false *comment you denied that you possessed Argent *comment MARSHAL STEEL *create met_steel false *create steel_friendship 10 *create steel_relationship "none" *comment MCs relationship with Marshal Steel: distant/former ally/ally/friendly/confidante/mutual attraction/intimate/shaken *comment after villain reveal known villain/complicated *create steelattraction false *comment is attracted to steel *create steel_flirting false *comment is flirting openly with steel *create steelhug false *create steelkiss false *create steelrun false *comment ran away from steel instead of kissing him *create steel_rival false *create steel_manipulate false *create steelshelf false *comment got a shelf in the ranger's fridge *create steelknowshrink false *comment steel knows you are going to a therapist *create callsteel false *comment called steel after the shrink. *create steelgay false *comment knows steel is gay *create steel_autopsy false *comment knows steel has seen autopsy pictures *create steel_looking false *comment knows steel went looking for you *create ratkingspoon false *comment the rat king met spoon *create steelweird false *comment steel called and sounded weird, something is up with him, you don't know what *create steelheartbreakvision false *comment you saw heartbreak from steels point of view *create steelseizure false *comment steel had a seizure when you were trying to cut the red thread *create steelrtcut false *comment cut the red thread in steel's mind, he now knows GH is real *create steelhome false *comment been to steel's home *create steelnsfw false *create steelbrain false *comment did a minddive into steel's mind *create steelarmstory false *comment heard the story about a sniper almsot taking off steels arm *create told_steel_telepath false *comment told steel you were a telepath, but not Ortega *create steelknowssecretcrush false *comment steel knows you have a secret crush on ortega *create told_steel_horrible false *create villainsteel_relationship "none" *comment villain steel relationship: villain?/enigma/opponent/priority *create savedcivilians false *create knowssteelsuspects false *comment steel damage *create steelhurt false *create steelmodhurt false *create steelinjured false *create puppetheart false *comment talked about heartbreak with Steel in the elevator as puppet. *comment if revealed a villain *create s_distant false *create s_ally false *create s_friendly false *create s_confidante false *create s_mutual false *create s_shaken false *create steelfaith false *comment if steel believes you can be redeemed *comment steel and the puppet *create steelfoughtpuppet false *create steelpuppethospital false *create shotsteel false *comment HERALD *create met_herald false *create herald_friendship 20 *create herald_relationship "none" *comment mcs relationship with Herald: distant/nervous/friendly/ (not after chapter 14) awkward(no training or turn down dinner)/he seems nice/oh no, he's hot/could be useful/oh no, I like him/coach (after dinner) friends/kissing wasn't part of the plan/ guess we're lovers now (after reveal: nemesis/ disappointed and betrayed/ heartbroken) *create use_herald false *create heraldoverload false *comment being around Herald can be overstimulating and too much. *create herald_dinner false *create herald_coffee false *create herald_flirting false *create heraldkiss false *create th false *create bh false *create hnick "Daniel" *create hnickset false *create heraldhome false *comment seen herald's home *create danny false *comment knows herald's name is Daniel *create herald_limp false *comment herald has a limp since rebirth *create herald_rival false *create trainherald false *create knowsheraldargentfake false *create told_herald_horrible false *create herald_weaken false *comment tries to make herald doubt himself in training *create heralddrop false *comment tried to make herald drop you in the air *create hhbr false *comment made Herald question heartbreak and what happened *create hbtalk false *comment had a talk with Herald about heartbreak on the roof *create heraldknowspuppetdateortega false *create told_herald_farm false *comment told herald about the Farm *create heraldpunch false *comment punched herald on the rooftop *create flightfaint false *comment fainted when Herald grabbed you *create heraldpunch2 false *comment punched herald after dinner *create onlygirls false *comment told herald you only like women *create boosttalk false *comment talked with herald about the night he got boosted and his brother died. *create heraldnsfw false *create ask_herald false *comment asked herald to dinner *create villainherald_relationship "enemy" *comment enemy/afraid/nemesis/humiliated *create herald_hurt false *comment post villain reveal stats *create h_awkward false *create h_nice false *create h_useful false *create h_hot false *create h_like false *create h_friends false *create h_kissing false *create h_lovers false *create h_coach false *create hsorry false *comment apologized to herald *comment MINOR VARIABLES *comment ldpd/anti-rangers/fired/promoted *create joshua "ldpd" *comment fired will be driver in ch 12, the rest will be spotted at the casino. think of other spots? *create sd_clue 0 *create regene "" *comment killed/fought/saved *comment OLD REBIRTH TAGS *create nametag "" *create wealthset false *create catchup false *create argument false *create walked_off false *create suit_flaw false *create ortega_epilepsy_trigger false *create muchmoney false *create jewelry false *create handgun false *create look false *create honest false *create hench1 false *create rochoice true *create puppet_escape_plan false *comment MORTUM SUGGESTED THE PUPPET HAS AN ESCAPE PLAN FROM THE MC *create warehouseperfect false *comment HEARTBREAK AND SCARS *create heartbreak "window" *comment heartbreak event ortega remembers gun(trying to kill self), window (jumping out) *create heartbreak_scar "none" *comment lesson taken from the heartbreak event: puppetmaster (learned how to manipulate), revenge (wanting to kill the scientists), hungry (a hunger for more), outside (being trapped in this other mind), friendless (letting it eat the memories of friends), suicidal (discontinued in retribution, *create hbsuiscar false *comment if you had the sui scar from the hb incident *create suitag false *comment set instead of suicidal heartbreak scar in retribution *create scar 90 *comment can't go over *create scartrigger1 false *comment to see if a scar event has already been showed *create see_shrink false *comment is seeing a therapist *create wishtrust false *comment wants to trust dr finch *create shrinkreact "patient" *comment patient/worried/manipulated/wiped/done *create self_rival false *comment hates what they are doing right now *create pastself_rival false *comment hates how naive they were in the past *create heartbreakclue false *comment something is different post crash *create gate 0 *comment can up up to nine gates *create protected false *comment post HG minddive *create epilogue55 false *comment argent got the regenerator *COMMENT PATH1 MC IN HOSPITAL, STUCK THERE *create epilogue56 false *comment argent recieves the regenerator if given away in the hospital *create epilogue26 false *comment PATH1 Elena's ranch, innocent *create epilogue27 false *comment PATH1 Herald's flat, innocent *create epilogue28 false *comment PATH1 Steel's flat, innocent *create epilogue29 false *comment PATH1 Ortega's flat, innocent *create epilogue30 false *comment PATH1 Argent in Ortega's flat, innocent *create epilogue49 false *comment PATH1 Steel in Ortega's flat, innocent *create epilogue50 false *comment PATH1 Herald in Ortega's flat, innocent *create epilogue51 false *comment PATH1 Steel's flat, innocent, Ortega visit *create epilogue52 false *comment PATH1 reactions to the mc being blinded, scarred, guilty reveal. *create epilogue38 false *comment PATH1 Mortum in lab, mc revealed the truth, innocent and guilty *create epilogue57 false *comment PATH1 Mortum in lab, regenerator thoughts, innocent or guilty *create epilogue31 false *comment PATH1 Argent in hq, guilty reveal *create epilogue35 false *comment PATH1 Herald flying, guilty reveal *create epilogue37 false *comment PATH1 Steel in office, guilty reveal *create epilogue36 false *comment PATH1 Ortega on bike, guilty reveal *create epilogue33 false *comment PATH1 Pelayo got contacted by innocent mc so he could take care of the puppet *create epilogue34 false *comment PATH1 Hench got contacted by innocent mc so they could take care of the puppet *create epilogue47 false *comment PATH1 Mortum, had skyraider rescue MC from the Rangers, includes puppet mirror ENDING *create epilogue42 false *comment PATH1 MC, guilty rescue start (witching hour) *create epilogue43 false *comment PATH1 MC, continues from 42, Argent path *create epilogue44 false *comment PATH1 MC, continues from 42, Ortega path *create epilogue45 false *comment PATH1 MC, continues from 42, Steel path *create epilogue46 false *comment PATH1 MC, continues from 42, Herald path *create epilogue40 false *comment PATH1 Pelayo gets the call to pick up escaped mc *create epilogue41 false *comment PATH1 Hench gets the call to pick up escaped mc *create epilogue32 false *comment PATH1 Puppet in mirror, getting contacted ENDING *comment PATH2 MC CRASHED, JUMPED INTO PUPPET *create epilogue39 false *comment PATH2 Ortega in hospital, mc taken by skyraider *create epilogue54 false *comment PATH2 Ortega in hospital, mc taken by crew *create epilogue48 false *comment PATH2 herald epilogue if steel gets hurt during puppet rescue of mc. *create epilogue09 false *comment PATH2 running ending *create epilogue10 false *comment Argent got the regenerator and you have no idea what it is. *create epilogue12 false *comment PATH2 went home ending *create epilogue53 false *comment Dr. Halabi taking care of the mc in Mortum's lab. ENDING *create epilogue13 false *comment PATH2 mod for epilogue 4/5 (they have an ENDING) *create epilogue04 false *comment PATH2/PATH3 Pelayo mc was rescued, with 13 puppet captured or asked by mortum. Ends with mc mirror ENDING *create epilogue05 false *comment PATH2/PATH3 Hench mc was rescued, with 13 puppet captured or asked by mortum. Ends with mc mirror ENDING *comment PATH3 PUPPET CRASH AND STUCK IN PUPPET *comment epilogue58 goes here too *create epilogue01 false *comment PATH3 Ortega going to check on the mc since puppet asked *create epilogue14 false *comment PATH3 Ortega going to check on the mc because HG might be after them *create epilogue15 false *comment PATH3 Herald going to check on mc's body *create epilogue16 false *comment PATH3 Argent is going to check on mc's body *create epilogue17 false *comment PATH3 Henchman is going to check on mc's body, (if boss not secret) then mc mirror ENDING *create epilogue18 false *comment PATH3 Pelayo is going to check on mc's body *create epilogue19 false *comment PATH3 Pelayo is in bed with ward, mc calls. Puppet didn't have option to contact him, then mc mirror ENDING *create epilogue02 false *comment PATH3 Mc and the mirror ENDING *create epilogue06 false *comment PATH3 time adjustment to epilogue 2 *create epilogue03 false *comment PATH3 Mortum going to find mc's body in their flat since puppet asked ENDING *create epilogue07 false *comment PATH3 fused with epilogue03 to handle revealed status *comment PATH4 MC FREE PUPPET CRASHED AND IS IN HOSPITAL *create epilogue11 false *comment PATH4 Ortega thoughts post regen reveal *create epilogue59 false *comment PATH4 Ortega thoughts post hg sibling reveal *create epilogue60 false *comment PATH4 Ortega thoughts post regen reveal with herald *create epilogue58 false *comment PATH4 PATH3 Mortum thinking of regenerator *create epilogue08 false *comment PATH4 Ortega too late puppet kidnapped *create epilogue20 false *comment PATH4 Ortega too late, puppet kidnapped, mc there *create epilogue21 false *comment PATH4 modifier to epilogue20 *create epilogue22 false *comment PATH4 Steel too late puppet kidnapped *create epilogue23 false *comment PATH4 Mortum in lab with puppet skyraider broke out ENDING *create epilogue24 false *comment PATH4 Puppet in hospital asleep ENDING *create epilogue25 false *comment PATH4 mortum in lab, helped mc rescue puppet then drugged mc ENDING *comment charater random system stuff *create mcsex 0 *create mctrans 0 *create mctele 0 *create mcskill 0 *create mcfight 0 *create mcrival 0 *create siderep 0 *create mcwealth 0 *create mcmotive 0 *create mcvice 0 *create mcdaring 0 *create mcarrogance 0 *create psex 0 *create pskill 0 *create pind 0 *create vinf 0 *create suit 0 *create cape 0 *create suitlook 0 *create ktele 0 *create toe 0 *create hbscar 0 *create osex 0 *create mcof 0 *create pof 0 *create oclue 0 *create vilort 0 *create hench 0 *create henchrel 0 *create msex 0 *create pmf 0 *create mcarg 0 *create argsh 0 *create vilarg 0 *create argevent 0 *create ranrep 0 *create mcsteel 0 *create mcherald 0 *create vilherald 0 *create report 0 *create josh 0 *create sclue 0 *create aclue 0 *comment old rebirth achievement variables *create step1 false *create step2 false *create step4 false *create step5 false *create step6 false *create plot1 false *create plot2 false *create plot3 false *create plot4 false *create plot5 false *create plot6 false *create plot7 false *create mc1 false *create mc2 false *create mc3 false *create mc4 false *create mc6 false *create mc7 false *create mc8 false *create mc9 false *create mc10 false *create mc11 false *create mc12 false *create mc13 false *create mc14 false *create mc15 false *create pp1 false *create pp2 false *create ortega1 false *create ortega2 false *create ortega3 false *create ortega4 false *create ortega5 false *create ortega6 false *create ortega7 false *create mortum1 false *create mortum2 false *create mortum3 false *create herald1 false *create herald2 false *create herald3 false *create argent1 false *create argent2 false *create argent3 false *create argent4 false *create argent5 false *create argent6 false *create argent7 false *create argent8 false *create argent9 false *create argent10 false *create hb1 false *create hb2 false *create hb3 false *create hb4 false *create hb5 false *create hb6 false *create hb7 false *create hb8 false *comment annoying temp values that keep messing up because I use goto_scene so they get forgotten *create argentmod false *create nocar false *create handyfast false *create handytalk false *create handyman "fine" *comment handyman fine bruised hurt *create handyassist false *create anarchistcar true *create henchattitude false *create first true *create net false *create notfall false *create fire false *create recentbreakup false *create oldvariable true *create newtouch false *create clothed false *create intohim false *create leave false *create avoidentirely false *create avoidconfrontation false *create friendherald false *create friendsteel false *create friendargent false *create friendortega false *create teamtalk false *create ratkingchen false *create cn false *create ndrive false *create bdrive false *create pchopper false *create copchopper false *create luxcar false *create hgbike false *create crewcheck false *create puppetfind false *create ortegafind false *create visitortega false *create maybetell false *create withherald false *create beer true *create chencalled false *create chenvisitlater false *create argentcalled false *create firstcall false *create hmc false *create dressup false *create psit false *create plive false *create flash false *create dampenersoff true *create complaindamp false *create shake false *create secondshake false *create sit false *create pgun false *create driver false *create toc 0 *create gun false *create unconscious false *create wounded false *create sawdoor false *create focusortega false *create focusargent false *create focusherald false *create focussteel false *create ortegabite false *create ptext false *create explainedwound false *create ground false *create crushrev false *create argentatt false *create gm false *create ptest false *comment achievement related things *create a_on false *create a_off false *create a01 false *create a02 false *create a03 false *create a04 false *create a05 false *create a06 false *create a07 false *create a08 false *create a09 false *create a10 false *create a11 false *create a12 false *create a13 false *create a14 false *create a15 false *create a16 false *create a17 false *create a18 false *create a19 false *create a20 false *create a21 false *create a22 false *create a23 false *create a24 false *create a25 false *create a26 false *create a27 false *create a28 false *create a29 false *create a30 false *create a31 false *create a32 false *create a33 false *create a34 false *create a35 false *create a36 false *create a37 false *create a38 false *create a39 false *create a40 false *create a41 false *create a42 false *create a43 false *create a44 false *create a45 false *create a46 false *create a47 false *create a48 false *create a49 false *create a50 false *create a51 false *create a52 false *create a53 false *create a54 false *create a55 false *create a56 false *create a57 false *create a58 false *create a59 false *create a60 false *create a61 false *create a62 false *create a63 false *create a64 false *create a65 false *create a66 false *create a67 false *create a68 false *create a69 false *create a70 false *create a71 false *create a72 false *create a73 false *create a74 false *create a75 false *create a76 false *create a77 false *create a78 false *create a79 false *create a80 false *create a81 false *create a82 false *create a83 false *create a84 false *create a85 false *create a86 false *create a87 false *create a88 false *create a89 false *create a90 false *create a91 false *create a92 false *create a93 false *create a94 false *create a95 false *create a96 false *create a97 false *create a98 false *create a99 false *achievement a01 visible 10 Anarchy in the FWT It's time for a change. This place needs a better class of politicians. You've had enough of how this city is run. *achievement a02 visible 10 Not the Boss of Me This time, you'll call the shots. You can't do this alone, so why not run your own crew? Crime boss is a valid career choice. *achievement a03 visible 10 Sticky Fingers You know what you want, and you know how to get it. You're a good thief; it would be a shame not to lean into your talents. *achievement a04 visible 10 Grudge Match What other way to prove yourself? The heroes might hunt criminals, but you are hunting heroes. *achievement a05 visible 10 Personal Trainer They will never suspect. The heroes won't listen to you if you tell them what is happening. You need to be more subtle about preparing them for what's to come. *achievement a06 visible 10 Cellar Dweller Better safe than sorry. It would be a shame not to use these perfectly good tunnels. *achievement a07 visible 10 Factory Chic Solitude is soothing. A deserted building is perfect for your cause. *achievement a08 visible 10 A Proper Job You might need a good alibi. Hiding in plain sight can be the smartest thing, especially with curious "friends." *achievement a09 visible 10 On Top of the World If you've got the money, why not use it? You've spent too much time being miserable as a hero. Things will be different this time. *achievement a10 hidden 10 Old Habits hidden Old habits die hard. The best way of staying hidden is to be the person nobody looks at twice. *achievement a11 hidden 10 Second Chances hidden This is a new lease on life. Why not allow yourself to have a good time? Finally? *achievement a12 hidden 10 Paint It Black hidden A door has opened. *comment 1 gate open *achievement a13 hidden 10 Red Moon Rising hidden Something is coming. *comment 4 gates open *achievement a14 hidden 10 …don't… hidden A pain. Migraine? It's suddenly hard to breathe. *comment 8 gates, closed to 7 *achievement a15 visible 10 Exposed You didn't plan it like this. Looks like the Rangers know who's under the villain's helmet at last. *achievement a16 visible 10 Unmasking The time for secrets is over. You revealed the truth on your own terms. *achievement a17 visible 10 Regrets You've made this mistake once—not again. You will do this without getting anybody else killed. *achievement a18 visible 10 Get Carter It's an easy job, right? You got more or less what you came for in the Carter mansion. *achievement a19 hidden 10 Old Reflexes hidden You saved the civilians in Carter's mansion with Marshal Steel. *achievement a20 visible 10 Outgunned and Outmatched You're not the one in over their head. The Handyman couldn't even delay you. *achievement a21 hidden 10 Nasty hidden Making Lady Argent kill a civilian is a low blow, but she should have been more careful. *achievement a22 hidden 10 Watch Your Step hidden You wish the fight on the bridge had gone better, but at least you are alive. *achievement a23 visible 10 Bragging Rights Will you stay for the press? You'd better get used to giving victory interviews if you keep this up. *achievement a24 hidden 10 Firefighter hidden Captain Blaze of the Guardians wasn't as tough as he thought he was. *achievement a25 visible 10 Hotel High Jinks You've got everything planned. The plan worked; you got what you came for. *achievement a26 hidden 10 Unlikely Places hidden Having Captain Blaze in your corner might be useful in the future. *achievement a27 hidden 10 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof hidden Captain Blaze doesn't lead the Guardians for nothing. Ouch. *achievement a28 visible 10 Hands-On This needs a personal touch. You visit the Boulevard Casino yourself. *achievement a29 visible 10 Dress Up Some things are better done incognito. You accompanied Dr. Mortum to the Boulevard Casino as your puppet. *achievement a30 visible 10 Debutante Your time in the spotlight. It's your first time interacting peacefully with the greater villain community as yourself. *achievement a31 visible 10 White Wedding Dressed to impress. Who is that bandaged lady? *achievement a32 visible 10 Ace of Spades Not the right kind of game. You now finally know who your puppet was and what happened to them. *achievement a33 visible 10 Overreach Caution is overrated. On second thought, maybe you messed up. A lot. *achievement a34 visible 10 Smooth as Silk This is how it's done. In and out, you got what you came for with minimum fuss. *achievement a35 hidden 10 A Bad Shot hidden Oh no. Oh NO. The Catastrofiend is back! *achievement a36 hidden 10 Confuse a Cat hidden Fighting the Catastrofiend is a bad idea, but, by now, you're very good at bad ideas. *achievement a37 hidden 10 Snip Snip hidden You don't know what you did in Jake's mind, but it sure was something. *achievement a38 visible 10 Disobedient Better safe than sorry. This is what you have your puppet for, to take the risks you're uncomfortable with. *achievement a39 visible 10 Fellowship You're both in a similar position. Why not make friendly with Jake? You never know when you might need help. *achievement a40 visible 10 Guts and Glory You're not one to back down. Meeting Hollow Ground in person is a big step in your career. *achievement a41 hidden 10 Facedown hidden Not everyone can say they've kicked the kingpin of Los Diablos in the face. Now you can. *achievement a42 hidden 10 Helping Hands hidden You've been saved by the Rat King, they've got your back! *achievement a43 visible 10 Common Ground Allies are better than enemies. You've allied yourself with Hollow Ground. Great things might come of it. *achievement a44 hidden 10 Bullseye hidden Who is trying to snipe you? Or is it Ortega they were after? *achievement a45 hidden 10 Tangled hidden What are the red threads Hollow Ground tried to entangle you with? *achievement a46 hidden 10 That's a Moray hidden You've been in Hollow Ground's mindscape…right? *achievement a47 hidden 10 Somebody's Watching Me hidden Something strange is going on in the skies over Los Diablos. *achievement a48 visible 10 Pure as Snow You've hidden your tracks well. Even when disaster strikes, you have not been revealed to the public as the villain you are. *achievement a49 visible 10 Rifts Best friends…forever? Making Ortega take your side over Steel's is a victory. *achievement a50 visible 10 Monster Are you truly you? Ortega certainly doesn't think you are their old friend anymore. *achievement a51 hidden 10 Broken hidden At least you're alive, right? For now. *achievement a52 hidden 10 Fled hidden You got out at the last moment. Time to rescue yourself. *achievement a53 hidden 10 Entangled hidden What are you doing here? You need to get out of your puppet. *achievement a54 hidden 10 Bailed hidden Good thing you avoided going to Hollow Ground. Now you just need to get your puppet back. *achievement a55 visible 10 Philanthropist You can afford to be generous. Maybe giving away your money will help with the guilt. *achievement a56 visible 10 Getaway Petty but practical. You stole Mia Ochoa's bike. *achievement a57 visible 10 Undercover Something smells here…. Mia Ochoa thinks you are secretly a hero, not a villain. *achievement a58 visible 10 GPS The hottest property in town. You've managed to find out where Hollow Ground lives. *achievement a59 visible 10 Careless It's fixable. Hopefully… Your armor has seen better days; it needs repairs before it falls apart. *achievement a60 visible 10 Underminer Sabotage of a different sort. Training Herald in your own way by breaking his confidence. *achievement a61 visible 10 Sightseeing A place you never thought you'd visit. What did Chen think when he let you into his mind? *achievement a62 visible 10 Punching above Your Weight Nobody saw this coming. You don't need to be in your own body to take Steel down. *achievement a63 visible 10 Pound of Flesh Making enemies doesn't pay. You lost an eye to Lady Argent. Some would say you deserved it. *achievement a64 visible 10 Impulsive If at first you don't succeed, keep pushing. Dr. Mortum shot you. Some would say you deserved it. *achievement a65 visible 10 Face-to-Face It's different this way. You've met Dr. Mortum as your real self, outside your armor. *achievement a66 visible 10 No Blindfold This takes trust. You know where Dr. Mortum's lab is and have gone there on your own. *achievement a67 visible 10 Therapy Time to deal with your ghosts. You're going to therapy, but whether that will help is a different question. *achievement a68 visible 10 Trust Baring more than your heart. You've willingly trusted someone with the fact that you are a Re-Gene. *achievement a69 visible 10 Coming Clean It was never meant to go on for this long. You've revealed to Dr. Mortum that you and your puppet are the same person. *achievement a70 visible 10 Shelf Space A token of affection. You've got your own shelf at the Rangers' Headquarters. *achievement a71 visible 10 Renovated The couch is new. Ortega's apartment still smells familiar, even after renovations. *achievement a72 visible 10 The Top Floor Of course, it would have to be there. You should have known Herald would live somewhere fancy. *achievement a73 visible 10 Shark Tank The pastel is a surprise. Lady Argent's apartment stresses you out. What is up with that? *achievement a74 visible 10 Accessible No surprises here. Steel has got a new apartment since he became Marshal. *achievement a75 visible 10 Helping Out Helping out an old friend? Ortega asked you to help out with hunting down Hollow Ground. *achievement a76 hidden 10 Tinfoil hidden Ortega revealed some wild theories about you and Hollow Ground. *achievement a77 visible 10 Past Crimes Not your usual paparazzi. You had not expected Steel to go looking for you, let alone find pictures of your supposed death. *achievement a78 hidden 10 Family Business hidden You might as well pretend that Ortega's theories are correct and work them to your advantage. *achievement a79 visible 10 Sneaky Stay under the radar. You're fairly certain nobody has any idea you're the villain. *achievement a80 visible 10 Infamous Fame at any cost. Everybody knows your name. Your reputation precedes you. *achievement a81 visible 10 Vicious You've gotten callous. You're a villain, might as well act like one. *achievement a82 visible 10 Gone Soft Are you sure you want to do this? You're closer to a hero than most people think. *achievement a83 visible 10 Driven Stay focused. You are dead set on going through with your plans, no matter the costs. *achievement a84 visible 10 Healing Your scars are fading. You are slowly dealing with the trauma from the Heartbreak incident. *achievement a85 visible 10 Rancher A countryside vacation. You have left Los Diablos and are hiding at Tía Elena's Ranch in the countryside. *achievement a86 visible 10 Sanctuary Someone's on your side, at least. You are hiding out in one of the Rangers' apartments as you heal. *achievement a87 hidden 10 Faith hidden One of the Rangers trusted you enough to break you out of the hospital, even though they knew you were the villain. *achievement a88 hidden 10 Backstabbed hidden You saved your puppet with Dr. Mortum but got backstabbed in return. *achievement a89 visible 10 Tool Be practical. You decided to let the Rangers pay for the puppet's hospital bill and left them there for now. *achievement a90 hidden 10 Kidnapped hidden Dr. Mortum sent Sky-Raider to break you out of the hospital. *achievement a91 hidden 10 Henchman hidden You're still in your puppet, and you're also under arrest. This is not good. *achievement a92 visible 10 Kidnapper Take care of your own. You managed to get your real body out of the hospital without incident. *achievement a93 visible 10 Origin Shared pasts. You learned what Lady Argent really is and how that connects to your past actions. *achievement a94 hidden 10 Haunted hidden The memory of Anathema still haunts you. *comment SOFTLY SAVESYS *create savesys_load_used 0 *comment SLOT 1 *create savesys_slot_1 0 *create savesys_slot_1_scene "savesys" *create savesys_slot_1_label "start" *create savesys_implicit_control_flow_1 true *create savesys_playtestenabled_1 false *create savesys_sr_1 false *create savesys_sv_1 true *create savesys_ortega_tell_sidestep_crush_1 false *create savesys_livestock_1 false *create savesys_ask_herald_1 false *create savesys_aspec_1 false *create savesys_genderstyle_1 "" *create savesys_h_coach_1 false *create savesys_liedaboutcaring_1 false *create savesys_noruffle_1 false *create savesys_carter_1 false *create savesys_carterinfo_1 false *create savesys_cartersafe_1 false *create savesys_carterart_1 false *create savesys_metblaze_1 false *create savesys_testblaze_1 false *create savesys_blazeleg_1 false *create savesys_blazetaunt_1 false *create savesys_blazeteach_1 false *create savesys_knowssteelblaze_1 false *create savesys_blazedead_1 false *create savesys_blazedown_1 false *create savesys_blazedraw_1 false *create savesys_blazeally_1 false *create savesys_blazesave_1 false *create savesys_blazeloss_1 false *create savesys_blazeblaze_1 false *create savesys_bridgefail_1 false *create savesys_bridgejump_1 false *create savesys_handyman_win_1 false *create savesys_bridgeloot_1 false *create savesys_calledmedia_1 false *create savesys_met_mia_1 false *create savesys_met_mia_villain_1 false *create savesys_mia_puppet_friendship_1 0 *create savesys_mia_puppet_relationship_1 "none" *create savesys_mia_villain_relationship_1 "none" *create savesys_mia_interview_1 false *create savesys_stolemiasbike_1 false *create savesys_gavemiamoney_1 false *create savesys_donatedcharity_1 false *create savesys_mia_favor_1 false *create savesys_vernon_1 true *create savesys_confidential_info_1 false 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savesys_jakepuppetflirting_1 false *create savesys_jakeremember_1 "no" *create savesys_jakebug_1 false *create savesys_trackjake_1 false *create savesys_girlbug_1 false *create savesys_trackgirlfriend_1 false *create savesys_drugged_1 false *create savesys_deadeye_1 false *create savesys_numbers_1 false *create savesys_numbersortega_1 false *create savesys_dsinfo_1 false *create savesys_heraldregenereveal_1 false *create savesys_ortegaregenereveal_1 false *create savesys_steelregenereveal_1 false *create savesys_argentregenereveal_1 false *create savesys_mortumregenereveal_1 false *create savesys_argentreveal_1 false *create savesys_ortegareveal_1 false *create savesys_steelreveal_1 false *create savesys_heraldreveal_1 false *create savesys_rangersreveal_1 false *create savesys_heraldknowstrans_1 false *create savesys_argentknowstrans_1 false *create savesys_ortegaknowstrans_1 false *create savesys_steelknowstrans_1 false *create savesys_steelnbtalk_1 false *create savesys_cro_1 false 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savesys_tactician_1 false *create savesys_fighter_1 false *create savesys_leadership_1 20 *create savesys_motivation_1 "unknown" *create savesys_drive_1 20 *create savesys_regenereveal_1 false *create savesys_animatedarmor_1 false *create savesys_nsfw_1 false *create savesys_veg_1 false *create savesys_villain_debut_1 false *create savesys_villain_name_1 "" *create savesys_known_telepath_1 false *create savesys_rangers_known_telepath_1 false *create savesys_suit_wear_1 0 *create savesys_suit_armor_1 false *create savesys_suit_speed_1 false *create savesys_suit_telepathy_1 false *create savesys_suit_strength_1 false *create savesys_suit_cape_1 false *create savesys_suit_functional_1 false *create savesys_suit_imposing_1 false *create savesys_suit_terrifying_1 false *create savesys_suit_mysterious_1 false *create savesys_infamy_1 0 *create savesys_kill_1 false *create savesys_stopkill_1 false *create savesys_saving_1 false *create savesys_pastsaving_1 false *create savesys_agentkill_1 false *create savesys_knownkill_1 false *create savesys_sneakykill_1 false *create savesys_repentkill_1 false *create savesys_repentfail_1 false *create savesys_nokill_1 false *create savesys_massacre_1 false *create savesys_ruins_1 false *create savesys_museummassacre_1 false *create savesys_met_henchman_1 false *create savesys_boris_1 false *create savesys_rosie_1 false *create savesys_hench_name_1 "unknown" *create savesys_hhe_1 "unknown" *create savesys_hhis_1 "unknown" *create savesys_hhim_1 "unknown" *create savesys_henchhelp_1 "none" *create savesys_hench_hired_1 false *create savesys_hench_relationship_1 "unknown" *create savesys_hunter_1 false *create savesys_prepare_them_1 false *create savesys_thief_1 false *create savesys_robber_1 false *create savesys_techthief_1 false *create savesys_lupin_1 false *create savesys_boss_1 false *create savesys_crew_relationship_1 "" *create savesys_met_team_1 false *create savesys_henchloyalty_1 30 *create savesys_boss_secret_1 true *create savesys_boss_secret_base_1 true *create savesys_boss_hero_1 false *create savesys_boss_regene_1 false *create savesys_anarchist_1 false *create savesys_destroyrep_1 false *create savesys_feared_1 false *create savesys_remove_1 false *create savesys_politics_1 20 *create savesys_rahturn_1 false *create savesys_rahscare_1 false *create savesys_rahhate_1 false *create savesys_deverauxdead_1 false *create savesys_deverauxgone_1 false *create savesys_deverauxmessage_1 false *create savesys_puppet_name_1 "" *create savesys_puppet_gender_1 "unknown" *create savesys_phe_1 "unknown" *create savesys_phis_1 "unknown" *create savesys_phim_1 "unknown" *create savesys_puppet_height_1 "unknown" *create savesys_puppet_appearance_1 false *create savesys_puppet_eyes_1 "unknown" *create savesys_puppet_race_1 "unknown" *create savesys_puppet_haircolor_1 "unknown" *create savesys_puppet_hairstyle_1 "unknown" *create savesys_puppet_hairtexture_1 "unknown" *create savesys_mirror_image_1 false *create 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false *create savesys_puppetbreakup_1 false *create savesys_sneakypuppetbreakup_1 false *create savesys_sniper_1 false *create savesys_toldortegasniper_1 false *create savesys_pcrev_1 false *create savesys_puppetstory_1 "interesting" *create savesys_puppethgvictim_1 false *create savesys_puppetworkforvillain_1 false *create savesys_puppetsawhg_1 false *create savesys_puppetbrainwashed_1 false *create savesys_ortegawantstocontactvillain_1 false *create savesys_stonewalling_1 false *create savesys_ortega_clue_1 0 *create savesys_puppet_proof_1 20 *create savesys_oc_1 0 *create savesys_prehgsuspect_1 false *create savesys_liedgood_1 false *create savesys_mortum_clue_1 0 *create savesys_argent_clue_1 0 *create savesys_steel_clue_1 0 *create savesys_steelortegacrush_1 false *create savesys_ortegaknows_steelcrush_1 false *create savesys_steelortegatalk_1 false *create savesys_maybechentegapoly_1 false *create savesys_maybechentegastep_1 false *create savesys_maybestepchentega_1 false *create savesys_ortegaknowsheraldflirt_1 false *create savesys_ortegaheraldtalked_1 false *create savesys_preortegaheraldpoly_1 false *create savesys_maybeortegaheraldpoly_1 false *create savesys_ortegaheraldpoly_1 false *create savesys_heraldortegahot_1 false *create savesys_aspecace_1 false *create savesys_ortegaknows_argentflirt_1 false *create savesys_ortegaargentpoly_1 false *create savesys_odumpedforargent_1 false *create savesys_mcpuppetrivalortega_1 false *create savesys_rangers_reputation_1 50 *create savesys_rangers_relationship_1 "" *create savesys_steeldoubt_1 20 *create savesys_ortegadoubt_1 10 *create savesys_heralddoubt_1 0 *create savesys_argentdoubt_1 30 *create savesys_steelsnap_1 false *create savesys_steeltoldortegavillain_1 false *create savesys_argenttoldortegavillain_1 false *create savesys_ortegachenrift_1 false *create savesys_rangersvisit_1 false *create savesys_rangersknowshideout_1 false *create savesys_ortega_gender_1 "unknown" *create savesys_ortega_name_1 "" 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*create savesys_ortegaalleykiss_1 false *create savesys_ortegansfw_1 false *create savesys_orteganaked_1 false *create savesys_touchpanic_1 false *create savesys_owalkout_1 false *create savesys_olove_1 false *create savesys_love_ortega_confession_1 false *create savesys_ortegaex_1 false *create savesys_ortegaexmaybe_1 false *create savesys_ot_1 true *create savesys_ob_1 false *create savesys_hoodace_1 false *create savesys_onick_1 "Sparkles" *create savesys_onickset_1 false *create savesys_visithospital_1 false *create savesys_ortega_base_1 "" *create savesys_tinfoil_1 false *create savesys_truetinfoil_1 false *create savesys_hgsave_1 false *create savesys_enemysave_1 false *create savesys_putr_1 false *create savesys_putrtalk_1 false *create savesys_told_ortega_telepath_1 false *create savesys_told_ortega_horrible_1 false *create savesys_told_ortega_farm_1 false *create savesys_told_ortega_enemies_1 false *create savesys_ohear_1 false *create savesys_ortega_power_info_1 false *create savesys_oknowsmshot_1 false *create savesys_catortegatalk_1 false *create savesys_villainortega_relationship_1 "enemy" *create savesys_ortegasave_1 false *create savesys_ortega_hurt_1 false *create savesys_ortega_cut_1 false *create savesys_bedpunch_1 false *create savesys_ortegahoots_1 false *create savesys_flirtannoyed_1 false *create savesys_ortega_knows_suicidal_1 false *create savesys_fakeself_1 false *create savesys_formerfake_1 false *create savesys_orecorder_1 false *create savesys_shint_1 0 *create savesys_gucci_1 false *create savesys_worried_1 false *create savesys_por_ghost_1 false *create savesys_por_friend_1 false *create savesys_por_complicated_1 false *create savesys_por_attraction_1 false *create savesys_por_lovers_1 false *create savesys_title_1 "" *create savesys_mhe_1 "unknown" *create savesys_mhis_1 "unknown" *create savesys_mhim_1 "unknown" *create savesys_mortum_gender_1 "unknown" *create savesys_met_mortum_1 false *create savesys_pm_1 false *create 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*create savesys_a67_1 false *create savesys_a68_1 false *create savesys_a69_1 false *create savesys_a70_1 false *create savesys_a71_1 false *create savesys_a72_1 false *create savesys_a73_1 false *create savesys_a74_1 false *create savesys_a75_1 false *create savesys_a76_1 false *create savesys_a77_1 false *create savesys_a78_1 false *create savesys_a79_1 false *create savesys_a80_1 false *create savesys_a81_1 false *create savesys_a82_1 false *create savesys_a83_1 false *create savesys_a84_1 false *create savesys_a85_1 false *create savesys_a86_1 false *create savesys_a87_1 false *create savesys_a88_1 false *create savesys_a89_1 false *create savesys_a90_1 false *create savesys_a91_1 false *create savesys_a92_1 false *create savesys_a93_1 false *create savesys_a94_1 false *create savesys_a95_1 false *create savesys_a96_1 false *create savesys_a97_1 false *create savesys_a98_1 false *create savesys_a99_1 false *if choice_is_omnibus_app *comment skip description *goto purchased *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchase_supported and not(choice_purchased_adfree) So you're a villain now? Let's see if you survive the experience. Continuing directly from the events in [i]Fallen Hero: Rebirth[/i], you need to stay one step ahead of your past as you build your future, one crime at a time. Will you keep up the lies, or risk everything by putting your trust in people? Making enemies is always dangerous, becoming one doubly so. Where on that scale making friends with them is, you'd rather not think about. Perhaps agreeing to visit a psychiatrist is not the worst choice you've made. [i]Fallen Hero: Retribution[/i] is a 1,400,000-word interactive novel by Malin Rydén, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. • Explore relationships as straight, gay, bisexual, or aromantic. • Pick your brand of villainy: become a thief, hunt heroes, run a mob, or dabble in politics. • Delve deeper into the underworld and match wits with the kingpin of Los Diablos. • Set up your base in the rat-infested sewers, buy a luxury lair, or anything in between. • Deepen your previous two relationships or explore one or more of three new ones: the young hero idolizing your past, your most dangerous opponent, or the Marshal himself. • Juggle two bodies and three identities; play as male, female, or genderqueer. Above All: Question Everything. *if choice_prerelease and not(choice_is_ios_app) [i]You can play the first three chapters of the game for free today. The rest of the game will be available on ${choice_release_date}.[/i] *choice #Sign up to be notified when the game is available. *subscribe {"now": true} *restart #Play the first three chapters now for free. *goto purchased [i]You can play the first three chapters of the game for free. Purchase the rest of the game below.[/i] *if choice_is_advertising_supported [i]Purchasing the rest of the game will also turn off in-game advertisements.[/i] *purchase_discount adfree 2024-04-04 $11.99 $7.99 purchased *if choice_is_advertising_supported *page_break_advertisement *if not(choice_is_advertising_supported) *page_break Play Now for Free *label purchased *if choice_is_omnibus_app [b]Content Warning:[/b] This game is intended for mature audiences. It contains frequent superhero fights with graphic descriptions, torture (of the PC), suicidal ideation, self-harm (by the PC), and sexual language. Reader discretion is advised. *finish Begin