- Writer: Brynn Chernosky
- Art: Brynn Chernosky
- Copy Editing: Mouse Elisedd
- Beta Testers: AdriZ, Armel, Artemis1, Awais_Ali, Azraeel, Ben_Klemme, darkwolf76, Eiriri, Eyesofshadow, Fay, FilthyPenut, Frogs, greendaisy, hey-gaymers, idonotlikeusernames, Isabela_Biscola, James DeGaray, Karenira, Katie S., Kiantra, Le Uyen, Liza_P, lokidemon007, Lordlorac, Louise McCormick, Manders, mathisse_de_bakker, miky, mirikajana, Nm6k, Renjuniverse, Royrin, Shareef_Clayton, The_Antipope, Titanwithwings, Tristin_McComas, Vox, WaffleMix, WiseGirl14
- Production Assistant: Kai Deleon
- ChoiceScript Language: Dan Fabulich
"Keeper of the Day and Night" is Copyright 2021 Brynn Chernosky. All rights reserved.

Special Thanks
To my mom, for reading through this about twenty times. And just generally being awesome.
About the Author
Brynn Chernosky is a student at Brown University. She would survive for about ten minutes at Magi Academy.
About Hosted Games
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