- Writer: Jason Stevan Hill
- Artwork: Nikki Cook, Vasilis Lolos, Amy Wilkins.
- Copy Editor: Brad "J" Warner.
- Continuity Testing: Rachel Eryn Torres, Brad "J" Warner.
- Beta-Testers: Anna (@apple), Ari Agbabian, Heather Albano, Rodericka Applewhaite, A. Ricky Backhouse-Smith, Uma Basole, Brandi Bowden, Casey Butterfield, Tamara Diaz, Noah Duesterberg-Chavez, Joel Hafvenstein, Stephanie Holderness, Lakeisha Johnson, Calvin Jones, Amy Karlson, Eliza Li, Lysander_Xen, Peter C. Macko, Brittany Martin, Marissa Molnar, Steven J. Nelson, Gabriel Requião, Jim Ross-Drummond, Aleksandra Šafarik, Dominic Selvo, Marita Solberg, Adam Strong-Morse, Anise Strong-Morse, Kári Tulinius.
- Narrative Testing: Aletheia Knights
- Managing Editor: Dan Fabulich
- ChoiceScript Language Design and Development: Dan Fabulich
Choice of the Vampire is Copyright 2010-2020 Jason Stevan Hill. All rights reserved.
This image and all versions of it are used under license, Copyright 2010 Nikki Cook. All rights reserved. |
This image and all its variations are Copyright 2013 Choice of Games. All rights reserved. |
This image and all its variations are Copyright 2020 Choice of Games. All rights reserved. |
About the Author
Jason Stevan Hill is Chief Operating Officer of Choice of Games LLC. He was fascinated with vampires from an early age—including being named "Most Likely to Become a Vampire" in his high-school yearbook—and was convinced after much prodding by Dan Fabulich to write an interactive fiction about them. He and his live-in mime—ahem, domestic partner—live a disappointingly polychromatic life in Brooklyn.
- Berkeley, Kathleen C. "The Ladies want to bring about reform in the Public Schools": Public Education and Women's Rights in the Post-Civil War South. History of Education Quarterly. Vol 24, No 1, pp 45-58. Newark, DE: History of Education Society, 1984.
- Berkeley, Kathleen C. Like a Plague of Locusts: From an Antebellum Town to a New South City, Memphis, Tennessee, 1850-1880. New York: Garland, 1991
- Blume, Helmut. The German Coast: During the Colonial Era, 1722-1803. Translated by Ellen C. Merill. Destrehan, LA: The German-Acadian Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, 1990.
- Brister, Nancy. A Street by any other name., 2009.
- Brod, Donald F. "John A. Cockerill's St. Louis Years: A Study of the Campaign That Brought Them To An End." Missouri Historical Society Bulletin. St. Louis: Missouri Historical Society, April 1970.
- Brown, Walter Lee. A Life of Albert Pike. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas, 1997.
- Burstein, Andrew. The Passions of Andrew Jackson. New York: Knopf, 2003.
- Circus Historical Society. "P. T. Barnum's Greatest Show on Earth, 1884 Routebook."
- City of Memphis v Brown, 87 U.S. 289 (1873).
- Deiler, J. Hanno. The Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana and the Creoles of German Descent. Philadelphia: Americana Germanica Press, 1909.
- DeLatte, Carolyn E. ed. The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Series in Louisiana History. Vol 4, Part A Antebellum Louisiana, 1830-1860: Life and Labor. Lafayette, LA: University of Louisiana, Lafayette, 2004.
- Erskine, John H. A Report on Yellow Fever as it appeared in Memphis, Tenn., in 1873. Public Health Papers and Reports. Vol 1, pp 385-392. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1875.
- Herbst, Henry, Don Roussin, and Kevin Kious. St. Louis Brews: 200 Years of Brewing in St. Louis, 1809-2009. St. Louis, MO: Reedy Press, 2009.
- Hermitage, courtesy of the Ladies Hermitage Association, which I was fortunate enough to visit, March 20th, 2013.
- Jack, Bryan M. The St. Louis African American Community and the Exodusters. Columbia, MO: Missouri, 2007.
- Labbe, Dolores Egger ed. The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Series in Louisiana History. Vol 3, The Louisiana Purchase and its Aftermath, 1800-1830. Lafayette, LA: University of Louisiana, Lafayette, 1998.
- Memphis Tech High Alumni. "Early Black Education in Memphis."
- Merkel, Jim. Beer, Brats, and Baseball: St. Louis Germans. St. Louis, MO: Reedy Press, 2012.
- Quinn, Denis A. The Heroes and Heroines of Memphis. Providence, RI: E.L. Freeman & Son, 1887.
- Schlesinger, Arther M. jr. The Age of Jackson. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1945.
- Thelen, David. Paths of Resistance: Tradition and Democracy in Industrializing Missouri. Columbia: Missouri, 1986.
- Tipton County v. The Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works, 103 U.S. 523 (1880).
- United States Marshals Service.
- Wikipedia, in all its messy glory, for too many articles to count.
- Wren, Lynette Boney. Crisis and Commission Government in Memphis: Elite Rule in a Gilded Age City. Knoxville, TN: Tennessee, 1998.
- Yoes, Henry E. III. Louisiana's German Coast: A History of St. Charles Parish. 2nd ed. Lake Charles, LA: Racing Pigeon Digest, 2005.
- Young, John Preston, and A. R. James. Standard History of Memphis, Tennessee,from a Study of the Original Sources. Knoxville, Tenn.: H. W. Crew, 1912.
About Choice of Games
Choice of Games is the world's largest publishing house for interactive novels. Our award-winning games are entirely text-based—hundreds of thousands of words and hundreds of choices, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Choose your path: your choices control the story.
Since 2009, we've published more than 150 interactive novels on Steam, web, and our "Choice of Games" app for iPhone and Android, including multiple nominees for the SFWA Nebula Award. We publish more than a dozen games a year, and we continue to expand our back catalog of older games, which we make available for free to all readers.
Using ChoiceScript, the scripting language we've created for developing interactive novels, an individual author can write a full-length branching narrative, hundreds of thousands of words long, all in a single voice, under one creative vision. A player might read around 20% of those words on one playthrough, ensuring that our games remain fresh each time you play.
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